Volunteer as a tutor, mentor, participate in events.
VolunteerTo increase public awareness of the crisis many families and youth in Los Angeles County are currently facing in foster care. We do this through activities including advocacy work as well as at events where attendees can stop by and learn more at our lawn table.
To improve the quality of lives of children and youth in foster care, homeless, incarcerated or under the supervision of probation through the provision of direct services to the children or to the agencies serving them.
To improve the quality of the lives of children and young people in foster care, homeless, incarcerated or under the supervision of probation through system changes.
Become a trained volunteer coach monitor and provide court-ordered supervised family visits so that children, removed from the care of their parents, can visit their parents in a family-friendly setting filled with toys, games, books, and art materials. These visits are an essential service to increase the family's chances for reunification and reduce the children's anxiety while in out-of-home placement. The visits will take place in an agency setting that provides strict health and safety protocols to protect the coach monitor and the families in Pasadena, South Pasadena, El Sereno, and Glendale.
We want to send a big thank you this holiday season to all of you who contributed to our "Santa's Helper" project, sponsored by Foster Care Project's Adopt a Child Advocate Caseworker (ACAC) Program. Our three "adopted" DCFS caseworkers are most grateful to know that the children and youth on their caseloads are being remembered. With your help, 50 gift bags have already been provided, with more still being delivered. Thank you for this outpouring of love and generosity--a tangible demonstration of your caring.
With much gratitude from: Anne R., Annie J., Beth, and Rosemary (ACAC co-coordinators) and Nirvana, Sylvia, and Thomas (our ACAC "adopted" DCFS caseworkers). And, of course, our children and families.
Become a trained volunteer coach monitor and provide court-ordered supervised family visits so that children, removed from the care of their parents, can visit their parents in a family-friendly setting filled with toys, games, books, and art materials. These visits are an essential service to increase the family's chances for reunification and reduce the children's anxiety while in out-of-home placement. The visits will take place in an agency setting that provides strict health and safety protocols to protect the coach monitor and the families in Pasadena, South Pasadena, El Sereno, and Glendale.
Learning Works Charter School Director Mikala Rahn calls us to remember that the students at Learning Works do not experience the holiday season as many of us do--with the blessing of abundance. "If they have an oven, a turkey does not fit in and they couldn't afford one anyway," notes Rahn. During this holiday season, Learning Works is requesting donations of grocery gift cards and non-perishable food items to brighten the holidays of families living in poverty.
The All Saints Foster Care Project is a proud supporter of Learning Works and will coordinate the delivery of donations to the Learning Works campus in Pasadena.
The program at Learning Works targets students who did not succeed in a traditional school setting. Based on the belief that all students deserve and can earn a high school diploma, the school provides a fresh start to middle and high school students who have dropped out of school, are credit deficient, or struggling with discipline challenges at school or in the community. Learning Works takes students where they are, provides unconditional love and guides them, with no excuses, to graduate.
Become a trained volunteer coach monitor and provide court-ordered supervised family visits so that children, removed from the care of their parents, can visit their parents in a family-friendly setting filled with toys, games, books, and art materials. These visits are an essential service to increase the family's chances for reunification and reduce the children's anxiety while in out-of-home placement. The visits will take place in an agency setting that provides strict health and safety protocols to protect the coach monitor and the families in Pasadena, South Pasadena, El Sereno, and Glendale.