Friends of Foster Children
Friends of Foster Children, San Gabriel Valley (FOFC), founded in 1976, works to enhance the quality of life for foster children residing in residential treatment centers in the San Gabriel Valley. FOFC programs offer a number of opportunities for volunteers to be engaged in activities that benefit young people in the foster care system, from mentoring high school and college students to sewing personalize pillow cases to playing Bingo at one of the treatment centers.
Volunteer Opportunities
- The Sugar Plum Trees at the Westfield Santa Anita mall in Arcadia at Christmas time represent FOFC's signature project, collecting more than 8,000 gifts that go to 450 specific children and their facilities.There are a variety of tasks associated with this project that can use volunteers.
- The Scholarship/Emancipation Program, which gives a helping hand to emancipated foster youth striving to become independent adults, offers opportunities for long-term work with foster youth.The committee awards significant educational scholarships.
- The Special FriendsCommittee members provide the children with special things that help make good memories. These include Easter baskets in the spring and school supplies and Halloween candy in the fall, along with Thanksgiving treats and summer end-of-the-school-year parties.Every monthFOFC volunteers help with Bingo night at one of the residential centers.
- The Foster Caring Committee, with a point person for each of the residential centers receiving year-round FOFC, facilitates meeting special needs for the children. These can be camping equipment, graduation expenses, outings, holiday parties, and any number of other things that children need and residential centers might not have the budget for.
No special requirements for volunteers, besides being friendly and having a concern for children in the foster care system. Youth under 18 may volunteer for some activities; children may volunteer with parents. Volunteers do not need to be FOFC members.